Here are my notes for 308 this week:
• 2 page Bach piece
• 8 systems long, any number of bars in a system
• Do edits for these 4 takes (on page)
o At the beginning of each system, put the measure number
• Bring up the tracks in PT, then make separate tracks for each take (it’s supposed to be summed mono, so make them into groups)
• When you find out where to make the breaks, put locations there to mark ‘em.
• When it’s all lined up correctly, take notes about:
o Fixing balance, if it’s much faster/slower than the other takes, etc.
• Also, can use elastic audio
o Polyphonic used for guitars, pianos, any program material that’s more than a monophonic voice.
o Rhythmic is for drums where it’s mainly detecting transients
o Monophonic is for violas, flutes, etc. monophonic voices.
o Varispeed acts like a tape deck. When you stretch it, it changes the pitch.
• This week’s assignment in lab:
o Compare the tempos (after doing all that shit), find balance between the two (tempo, dynamics), add cross fades
• Drum replacements in tracks without using a 3rd party application
o Drawing from a drum sample from the audio provided
o Can use for re-inforcement and replacement
o Good at making drums sound organic, though there are some times when a 3rd party may be necessary.
• First thing to do is:
o Create new mono audio track, find the hits you like
o AppleE for cutting the part out, duplicate it and move it into the new audio track
o Then, the section is trimmed right where it hits the audio transient. Fade each side, AppleC, then mute it.
o Examplewith two snare tracks:
Find the snare sound you like, cut it and duplicate it into two mono audio tracks (since it’s snare top and bottom)
Tab to the transient, then P and ; to move up and down between tracks.
. and , for nudging
o For vox
Choose polyphonic waveform mode.
Then, go to Analysis, and there are analysis points that appear.
• Select the region first before selecting Analysis
• Can raise/lower sensitivity of analysis points by changing the Regions-elastic properties to change the analysis properties.
After analysis, go to warp. The analysis points allow it to move within the region, compressing and expanding the audio accordingly.
In the labs, Andy and I finished with the work we needed to do fairly quickly, and we spent the rest of the time mixing some different sounds with the morphed drum hits we acquired. It was a lot of fun, and we did learn a lot of useful tricks this week.
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